Special Olympian welcomed home to Nashua after winning medals at world games
ray brewer
To the sound of cheers and wearing the three silver medals she won in Germany at the Special Olympics Games, Chelsea Schultz was welcomed back at the Hannaford Nashua, where she works. Sporting her trademark as well – you never see Chelsea without a smile.
Chelsea has worked at the Nashua Hannaford for the last eight years. The store manager says she has an effect on everyone.
“She’s so positive that it truly does rub off on the other associates. Every time you see Chelsea talking with someone, you see them smiling,” said Diego Comesana, store manager.
Many of those associates were on hand to greet Chelsea and let her know how happy they are, both for her accomplishments and to have her back.
The celebration taking her a little bit by surprise.
“I can’t imagine that, but I never thought it would be that big of a hurdle. It really, really surprised me and I love Hannaford Nashua they did a really awesome job welcoming me back,” said Chelsea.
It was an emotional reunion, and not just for Chelsea. Coworkers telling her that they watched her on TV and felt they were there with her.
Chelsea competes in the sport of powerlifting. While she loves the competition, she says it also carries over to her job. “Powerlifting helped me with my strength, like not just my physical health but also my mental health,” said Chelsea.
Chelsea says over in Germany she definitely felt part of a team. They cheer for each other’s accomplishments. That sense of being part of a team very much on display here today in Nashua.