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Granite VNA delivers $6.2 million in charitable community programs and services

CONCORD — Granite VNA, formerly Concord Regional VNA and Central NH VNA & Hospice, and the largest home health and hospice provider in New Hampshire, delivered more than $6.2 million in charitable community programs and services in Fiscal Year 2021 (October 2020-September 2021). Charitable programs and services included bereavement support, educational health and wellness programs, foot care and immunization clinics, and others offered throughout the 82 New Hampshire communities the agency serves.

“As a not-for-profit, community-based organization, providing vital programs and services to our most vulnerable citizens and improving the overall health and wellness of the community are central to our mission,” said Beth Slepian, president and CEO, Granite VNA. “These wide-ranging charitable programs and services help improve the lives of hundreds of our community members each year.”

Granite VNA’s key charitable investments in Fiscal Year 2021 included:

$2,865,682 in subsidized health services as a result of operating the Hospice House 24-hours-per-day, seven-days-per-week, year-round.

$166,000 in charity care to individuals who are uninsured, underinsured, or otherwise unable to pay out-of-pocket fees for services.

$133,746 in educational opportunities for individuals of all ages to help them improve their quality of life and to remain independent.

$102,575 for Granite VNA employees to support and strengthen communities through volunteerism, educational opportunities, and board and committee participation.

$93,496 for basic health services such as foot care and blood pressure screenings provided at Foot Care Clinics throughout the region.

$86,435 in bereavement and grief support services for community members who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

$22,289 in providing clinical opportunities for undergraduate clinician training.

This year’s investment also included the expansion of programs and services in communities throughout the Lakes Region.

For more information about Granite VNA, visit